Design of Academy Moonlay E-Learning Application With Gamafication Method and Knuth Shuffle Algorithm
Penggunaan teknologi dan internet dalam pendidikan digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk kegiatan belajar, seperti e-learning. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya, perusahaan hanya mementingkan keuntungan sendiri tanpa memikirkan pengembangan wawasan atau pengetahuan karyawan mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menerapkan gamification dan algoritma Knuth Shuffle untuk meningkatkan motivasi karyawan PT Moonlay Technologies dalam mempelajari bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan oleh PT Moonlay Technologies, serta sebagai media evaluasi Chief Executive Officer (CEO) untuk menilai para karyawannya. Fitur gamification yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah leaderboard, lencana, reward, poin, tingkat, dan hadiah harian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penerapan gamification, motivasi karyawan PT Moonlay Technologies untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan oleh perusahaan semakin meningkat. Hasil yang dikumpulkan dari kuesioner telah menerima tanggapan yang baik dan juga meningkatkan motivasi karyawan PT Moonlay Technologies menjadi 83,33%.
Kata kunci: Android, e-learning, gamification, shuffle Knuth, PT Moonlay Technologies
The use of technology and internet in education is used as an alternative for learning activities, such as e-learning. But the fact is that companies are only concerned with their own profit without thinking about development of insight or knowledge of their employees. Because of that, this research applies gamification and Knuth Shuffle algorithm to improve the motivation of PT Moonlay Technologies’ employees in learning the programming language used by PT Moonlay Technologies and as a medium for the evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to assess his employees. Gamification features which are applied in this research are the leaderboard, badges, reward, points, levels, and daily gift. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that with the implementation of gamification, motivation of PT Moonlay Technologies’ employees to learn a programming language used by the company is increasing. The result gathered from the questionnaires has earned good responses and also has increased the motivation of PT Moonlay Technologies’ employees to 83.33%.
Keyword: Android, e-learning, gamification, knuth shuffle, PT Moonlay Technologies