Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Berbasis Model Smart System (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Manufaktur Gaharu


  • Lithrone Laricha Salomon Universitas Tarumanagara
  • M. Agung Saryatmo Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Gilbert Giovanni Salim Universitas Tarumanagara



Pada salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur dan eksportir gaharu belum terdapat pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Saat ini perusahaan masih terfokus pada aspek finansial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi objektif perusahaan berdasarkan model SMART (Strategic Management Analysis and Reporting Technique) System, mengukur kinerja dan menganalisis pencapaian target dari strategi objektif, serta menganalisis skala prioritas perbaikan strategi objektif untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini, didapat lima perspektif dengan bobot tertinggi, yang rata-rata memiliki bobot lebih dari 10 %, dibobotkan dengan metode analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Bobot tertingi tersebut adalah aspek kualitas (30,4 %), finansial (21,8 %), kepuasan pelanggan (15,3%), fleksibilitas (10,9%), pengiriman (7,2%). Dari lima perspektif terdapat 15 strategi objektif dan 15 key performance indicator. Pencapaian dari setiap KPI dapat dikatakan cukup baik karena hanya enam KPI yang masih belum mencapai target, yaitu lamanya aroma gaharu bertahan, peningkatan jumlah pelanggan baru, penggunaan satu mesin untuk banyak produksi, kemampuan perusahaan untuk merespon pasar, produk baru tanpa alat baru, dan jumlah produk yang rusak dalam pengiriman.

Kata kunci: pengukuran kinerja, SMART System, Key Performance Indicator, AHP


There is a company engaged in manufacturing and exporting aloeswood that has no performance measurements carried out by the company yet, since the company focuses on financial aspects only. This study aims to identify the objective strategy of the company based on SMART (Strategic Management Analysis and Reporting Technique) model system, to measure performance and to analyze the achievement of strategic objectives, along with improvement priority scale of objective strategy to enhance the performance of the company. The result of this study presented five perspectives in which the highest average was more than 10% from the scale using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method. The highest aspect was quality (30.4%), followed by financial (21.8%), customer satisfaction (15.3%), flexibility (10.9%), and shipping (7.2%). From those five perspectives, 15 objective strategies and 15 key performance indicators (KPI) were obtained. Achievement in each KPI were good enough since only 6 KPI had not reached the target, they were the durability of the aloeswood’s scent, the increasing number of new customers, the use of the machine for massive production, the reliability of the company, ability to produce new products without new equipment, and the number of products damaged during the shipping process.

Keywords: Performance Measurement, SMART System, Key Performance Indicators, AHP

Author Biographies

Lithrone Laricha Salomon, Universitas Tarumanagara

Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknik Industri

M. Agung Saryatmo, Universitas Tarumanagara

Staf Pengajar Program Studi Teknik Industri

Gilbert Giovanni Salim, Universitas Tarumanagara

Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Industri


