Pemahaman Pengetahuan Keuangan Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean


  • Farah Margaretha Leon Universitas Trisakti


Society can improve understanding about personal finance which is very useful in everyday life. Thus, the community will get a prosperous life, quality and can achieve financial freedom in the future. In addition, it is important to develop and improve personal financial attitudes,such as making financial records, performing personal financial attitudes, spending not exceeding income, making insurance payments, diversifying investments, avoiding lending, using various sources of information to obtain financial information and have confidence in making financial decisions. And in choosing the source of the loan should the community consider the source of funds to be earned, the interest rate given by the creditors and the loan period adjusted for the asset usage period. With an understanding of high financial literacy, Indonesian people are expected to compete in the era of MEA 2016.

Keywords: financial institution, financial literacy, personal finance.


