Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Terkini Pituitary Tumor
Hipofisis dikenal sebagai "master gland" karena membantu untuk mengontrol sekresi hormon kelenjar lain dan target organ dalam tubuh mencakup tiroid, adrenal, testis, dan ovarium. Tumor hipofisis insidensnya 12 -19% dari semua tumor otak, membuat mereka yang ketiga yang paling umum tumor otak primer pada orang dewasa, meningioma berikut dan glioma. Tumor hipofisis dapat ditemukan di setiap kelompok umur, insiden cenderung meningkat sesuai usia. Wanita didiagnosa tumor hipofisis lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. Pengobatan tumor hipofisis tergantung pada aktivitas hormonal tumor, ukuran dan lokasi tumor, serta usia dan kondisi umum dari penderita. Tujuan pengobatan untuk menghilangkan tumor, mengurangi atau mengontrol ukuran tumor, dan / atau untuk mengatur keseimbangan kadar hormon.1
Kata kunci : Hipofisis, tumor, kelenjar, pengobatan
Pituitary gland is known as the “master gland†because it controls the secretion of hormones from a number glands and “target†organs in the body. These include the thyroid, the adrenals, testes and ovaries. Pituitary tumors account for 12 -19% of all primary brain tumors, making them the third most common primary brain tumor in adults, following meningiomas and the gliomas. Pituitary tumors can be found in every age group, but their incidence tends to increase with age.  Women are diagnosed with pituitary tumors slightly more often than men. Treatment of a pituitary tumor depends on the hormonal activity of the tumor, the size and location of the tumor, as well as the age and overall health of the person with the tumor. The goals of treatment are to remove the tumor, to reduce or control tumor size, and/or to re-balance hormone levels. 1
Keywords : Pituitary, tumor, glands, treatments